Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (6)
- Diploma Thesis (4)
- Master's Thesis (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- E-Partizipation (4)
- Akkreditierung (2)
- E-participation (2)
- Interoperabilität (2)
- ARIS (1)
- Aktualisierung (1)
- Analyse (1)
- Anforderung (1)
- Architekturbewertung (1)
- BPMN (1)
The thesis "E-Partizipation Virtual Ressourcen Portal" describes the conception and implementation of the Virtual Resource Centre (VRC), an international resource and knowledge portal for multidisciplinary research and application areas in the domain of eParticipation. The need for such a portal was developed in the context of the European DEMO_net project, the eParticipation network of excellence. The aim of this portal is to improve the spreading of the actual knowledge of the connected researchers and practitioner in the domain of eParticipation. For this, the collaboration and discussion with each other in different distributed projects will be improved and the results of the works will be published and saved. A well structured and an easy to handle portal is necessary therefore, as many connected institutions are not familiar with technological businesses. Further aims of the VRC are avoiding redundant developments to report excellent research facilities for the different subjects and to dynamically list the running projects in selectable categories. The technical base for the portal is a web content management system (WCMS), provided with many increments. To detect a suitable WCMS, the systems Plone, TYPO3 and Xoops are compared by a value benefit analyses. The special requirements for the VCR are fulfilled by the development and integration of increments, which include and provide the administration of publications, the overview of projects and research areas, etc. using an actual Web 2.0 functionality. This thesis is based on two different research methods, where the basic method design research is. Design research describes a compendium of how a portal can be modeled and realized in five phases. Another used method is the hypertext design model, which is used to build a model of the VRC. In the description of the implementation the changes in the WCMS, the user administration and the access control are explained as a guideline. In the conclusion of the thesis, an overview over the challenges and a recommendation for further developments and potential work is shown.
Within the scope of this bachelor thesis, a survey targeting the alumni of the Department 4: Computer Science of the University of Koblenz-Landau was planned, realized and evaluated. The goal was to support the Task Force Bachelor Master that was in charge of the re-accreditation process of the study courses. At first, the theoretical fundament of the survey design was acquired via desk research. Moreover, the analysis of past surveys of similar character lead to getting an impression of the requirements. Under consideration of recent changes, a survey prototype was created and improved following the insights from a pre-test. Using the open source tool LimeSurvey, the final version was implemented. The platform was used as the technical basis of the survey. The recipients included members of alumni clubs as well as recent alumni from the last years.
The survey lead to insights about the satisfaction of the alumni with their study course and the study situation in general. Furthermore, the opinion regarding two new master courses, E-Government and Web Science, was requested. The feedback from four of the study courses was enough to give significant results, for the other five courses it was only possible to interpret the general statements. All in all, there was a high rate of satisfaction with the studies.
Additionally, it was possible to collect suggestions for improvements and criticism. The main topics were internationality, emphasis on study topics, freedom of choice/specialization and relevancy to practice. As a result of the survey, a recommendation was verbalized, that should lead to an improvement in quality and need of the teaching in the Department 4: Computer Science in combination with the detailed results.
Die wesentliche Zielsetzung der Bachelor-Arbeit war es, entlang der Anforderungen an DMS/WMS aus dem DOMEA-Konzept und aus dem Kommunalen Gebietsrechenzentrum Koblenz (KGRZ) verschiedene Systeme zu evaluieren. Weiteres Ziel war es, ein System, das die Anforderungen am besten erfüllt, zu identifizieren. Entlang der Evaluation wurde exemplarisch der Workflow des KGRZ untersucht, bewertet und ggf. angepasst. Des Weiteren wurde auf die Frage eingegangen, ob ein einheitliches System im Rahmen des Föderalismus nicht nur in Koblenz sondern auch Rheinland-Pfalz weit eingesetzt werden kann, oder ob ämterspezifische Lösungen vorteilhafter sind.
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the actual business architecture at the administration of the university Koblenz-Landau. Another subject matter of the article focuses on the existing application architecture. This architecture is necessary to support the employees work. The Enterprise Architecture will be described by models. They are an important instrument for the exchange of information between different stakeholders. Actual research projects from different universities are represented at the beginning of this elaboration. Subsequent to this, important enterprise architecture frameworks and methods for archiving the tasks are introduced. The concept for the analysis is represented at the outset of the empirical part. After that, a description of the as-is architecture follows. The actual state is modelled by process maps, planning schemes, data flow graphics and a process model. In the next step, an evaluation and identification of weak points is done. Different recommendations to improve the use of information technology at the administration are presented at the end of this degree dissertation. An existing cross-functional process will be analysed, modelled and evaluated. It- about the registration and authorization of projects supported by third-party funds. Finally, a prototype is introduced. The advantages and functionalities of a new system can be shown with this first model. Notices about the next steps, a conclusion and an outlook conclude the work.
Public electronic procurement (eProcurement), here electronic sourcing (eSourcing) in particular, is almost certainly on the agenda when eGovernment experts meet. Not surprisingly is eProcurement the first high-impact service to be addressed in the European Union- recent Action Plan. This is mainly dedicated to the fact that public procurement makes out almost 20% of Europe- GDP and therefore holds a huge saving potential. To some extent this potential lies in the common European market, since effective cross-boarder eSourcing solutions can open many doors, both for buyers and suppliers. To achieve this, systems and processes and tools, need to be adoptable, transferable as well as be able to communicate with each other. In one word, they need to be interoperable. In many relevant domains, interoperability has reached a very positive level, standards have been established, workflows been put in place. In other domains however, there is still a long road ahead. As a consequence it is crucial to define requirements for such interoperable eSourcing systems and to identify the progress in research and practice.
Concept for a Knowledge Base on ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling regarding eGovPoliNet
Abstract The EU project eGovPoliNet is engaged in research and development in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for governance and policy modelling. Numerous communities pursue similar goals in this field of IT-based, strategic decision making and simulation of social problem areas. Though, the existing research approaches and results so far are quite fragmented. The aim of eGovPoliNet is to overcome the fragmentation across disciplines and to establish an international, open dialogue by fostering the cooperation between research and practice. This dialogue will advance the discussion and development of various problem areas with the help of researchers from different disciplines, who share knowledge, expertise and best practice supporting policy analysis, modelling and governance. To support this dialogue, eGovPoliNet will provide a knowledge base, which's conceptual development is the subject of this thesis. The knowledge base is to be filled with content from the area of ICT for strategic decision making and social simulation, such as publications, ICT solutions and project descriptions. This content needs to be structured, organised and managed in a way, so that it generates added value and the knowledge base is used as source of accumulated knowledge, which consolidates the previously fragmented research and development results in a central location.
The aim of this thesis is the development of a concept for a knowledge base, which provides the structure and the necessary functionalities to gather and process knowledge concerning ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. This knowledge needs to be made available to users and thereby motivate them to contribute to the development and maintenance of the knowledge base.
Analyse von Geschäftsprozessen einer NPO zur Ausarbeitung der Anforderungen an eine Fachanwendung
Im Rahmen einer Systemanalyse werden die Prozesse eines Anbieters von Ferienfreizeiten untersucht und modelliert sowie Schwachstellen ausfindig gemacht. Anhand dieser Grundlage und einer Anforderungserhebung unter den beteiligten Stakeholdern wird ein Soll-Konzept erarbeitet, welches zu Verbesserungen der allgemeinen Organisation und des Informationsflusses führen soll. Abschließend wird eine Handlungsempfehlung für das weitere Vorgehen ausgesprochen.
The internet is becoming more and more important in daily life. Fundamental changes can be observed in the private sector as well as in the public sector. In the course of this, active involvement of citizens in planning political procedures is more and more supported electronically. The expectations culminate in the assumption that information and communication technology (ICT) can enhance civic participation and reduce disenchantment with politics. Out of these expectations, a lot of eparticipation projects were initiated in Germany. Initiatives were established, e.g. the "Initiative eParticipation", which gave many incentives of electronic participation for policy and administration in order to strengthen decision-making processes with internet supported participation practices. This thesis consists of two major parts. In the first part, definitions of the essential terms are presented. The position of e-participation within the dimension of ebusiness is pointed out. In order to explain e-participation, basics of the classical offline participation are delivered. It will be shown that a change is in progress, not only because of the deployment of ICT. Subsequently, a framework to characterize eparticipation is presented. The European Union is encouraging the implementation of e-participation. So, the city of Koblenz should be no exception. But what is the current situation in Koblenz? To provide an answer to this question, the status quo was examined with the help of a survey among the citizens of Koblenz, which was developed, conducted and evaluated. This is the second major part of this thesis.
Standards are widely-used in the computer science and IT industry. Different organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (SO) are involved in the development of computer related standards. An important domain of standardization is the specification of data formats enabling the exchange of information between different applications. Such formats can be expressed in a variety of schema languages thereby defining sets of conformant documents. Often the use of multiple schema languages is required due to their varying expressive power and different kind of validation requirements.rnThis also holds for the Specification Common Cartridge which is maintained by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. The specification defines valid zip packages that can be used to aggregate different learning objects. These learning objects are represented by a set of files which are a part of the package and can be imported into a learning management system. The specification makes use of other specifications to constrain the contents of valid documents. Such documents are expressed in the eXtensible Markup Language and may contain references to other files also part of the package. The specification itself is a so-called domain profile. A domain profile allows the modification of one or more specifications to meet the needs of a particular community. Test rules can be used to determine a set of tasks in order to validate a concrete package. The execution is done by a testsystem which, as we will show, can be created automatically. Hence this method may apply to other package based data formats that are defined as a part of a specification.
This work will examine the applicability of this generic test method to the data formats that are introduced by the so called Virtual Company Dossier. These formats are used in processes related to public e-procurement. They allow the packaging of evidences that are needed to prove the fulfillment of criteria related to a public tender. The work first examines the requirements that are common to both specifications. This will introduce a new view on the requirements by introducing a higher level of abstraction. The identified requirements will then be used to create different domain profiles each capturing the requirements of a package based data format. The process is normally guided by supporting tools that ease the capturing of a domain profile and the creation of testsystems. These tools will be adapted to support the new requirements. Furtheron the generic testsystem will be modified. This system is used as a basis when a concrete testsystem is created.
Finally the author comes to a positive conclusion. Common requirements have been identified and captured. The involved systems have been adapted allowing the capturing of further types of requirements that have not been supported before. Furthermore the background of the specifications quite differ. This indicates that the use of domain profiles and generic test technologies may be suitable in a wide variety of other contexts.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Nutzenpotentialen des GeoPortal.rlp. Hierzu werden zwei empirische Studien erhoben. Die erste Studie ist eine Nutzerumfrage bezüglich des Portals. Die zweite Studie besteht aus Experteninterviews um potentielle Kooperationspartner zu identifizieren. Aus den Ergebnissen der beiden Studien werden Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet.