Fachbereich 4
Year of publication
- 2012 (67) (remove)
Document Type
- Diploma Thesis (22)
- Bachelor Thesis (21)
- Part of Periodical (12)
- Master's Thesis (11)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Customer Relationship Management (3)
- Akkreditierung (2)
- Android <Systemplattform> (2)
- E-Government (2)
- Fallstudie (2)
- IBM Lotus Quickr (2)
- Petri-Netze (2)
- Tablet PC (2)
- probability propagation nets (2)
Development of an Android Application for the Recognition and Translation of Words in Camera Scenes
This bachelor- thesis describes the conception and implementation of a translation software for the Android platform. The specific feature of the software is the independent text recognition based on the view of the camera. This approach aims to enhance and accelerate the process of translation in certain situations. After an introduction into text recognition, the underlying technologies and the operation system Android useful applications are described. Then the concept of the software is created and the implementation examined. Finally an evaluation is conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of the software.
Dualizing marked Petri nets results in tokens for transitions (t-tokens). A marked transition can strictly not be enabled, even if there are sufficient "enabling" tokens (p-tokens) on its input places. On the other hand, t-tokens can be moved by the firing of places. This permits flows of t-tokens which describe sequences of non-events. Their benefiit to simulation is the possibility to model (and observe) causes and effects of non-events, e.g. if something is broken down.
In this paper, we demonstrate by means of two examples how to work with probability propagation nets (PPNs). The fiirst, which comes from the book by Peng and Reggia [1], is a small example of medical diagnosis. The second one comes from [2]. It is an example of operational risk and is to show how the evidence flow in PPNs gives hints to reduce high losses. In terms of Bayesian networks, both examples contain cycles which are resolved by the conditioning technique [3].
The paper deals with a specific introduction into probability propagation nets. Starting from dependency nets (which in a way can be considered the maximum information which follows from the directed graph structure of Bayesian networks), the probability propagation nets are constructed by joining a dependency net and (a slightly adapted version of) its dual net. Probability propagation nets are the Petri net version of Bayesian networks. In contrast to Bayesian networks, Petri nets are transparent and easy to operate. The high degree of transparency is due to the fact that every state in a process is visible as a marking of the Petri net. The convenient operability consists in the fact that there is no algorithm apart from the firing rule of Petri net transitions. Besides the structural importance of the Petri net duality there is a semantic matter; common sense in the form of probabilities and evidencebased likelihoods are dual to each other.
Standards are widely-used in the computer science and IT industry. Different organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (SO) are involved in the development of computer related standards. An important domain of standardization is the specification of data formats enabling the exchange of information between different applications. Such formats can be expressed in a variety of schema languages thereby defining sets of conformant documents. Often the use of multiple schema languages is required due to their varying expressive power and different kind of validation requirements.rnThis also holds for the Specification Common Cartridge which is maintained by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. The specification defines valid zip packages that can be used to aggregate different learning objects. These learning objects are represented by a set of files which are a part of the package and can be imported into a learning management system. The specification makes use of other specifications to constrain the contents of valid documents. Such documents are expressed in the eXtensible Markup Language and may contain references to other files also part of the package. The specification itself is a so-called domain profile. A domain profile allows the modification of one or more specifications to meet the needs of a particular community. Test rules can be used to determine a set of tasks in order to validate a concrete package. The execution is done by a testsystem which, as we will show, can be created automatically. Hence this method may apply to other package based data formats that are defined as a part of a specification.
This work will examine the applicability of this generic test method to the data formats that are introduced by the so called Virtual Company Dossier. These formats are used in processes related to public e-procurement. They allow the packaging of evidences that are needed to prove the fulfillment of criteria related to a public tender. The work first examines the requirements that are common to both specifications. This will introduce a new view on the requirements by introducing a higher level of abstraction. The identified requirements will then be used to create different domain profiles each capturing the requirements of a package based data format. The process is normally guided by supporting tools that ease the capturing of a domain profile and the creation of testsystems. These tools will be adapted to support the new requirements. Furtheron the generic testsystem will be modified. This system is used as a basis when a concrete testsystem is created.
Finally the author comes to a positive conclusion. Common requirements have been identified and captured. The involved systems have been adapted allowing the capturing of further types of requirements that have not been supported before. Furthermore the background of the specifications quite differ. This indicates that the use of domain profiles and generic test technologies may be suitable in a wide variety of other contexts.
With the reaccreditation of the degree programs in the department of computer science at the University of Koblenz-Landau new trendsetting degree programs will be offered. For further planning and design of the individual degree programs the opinion of the students is a considerable indicator. Information about the new degree programs aren"t available during the accreditation process. Students have an interest in knowing about the new degree programs and the new examination regulation and therefore being part in the decision process would be desirable. The concept of e-participation is an opportunity to satisfy this need. It offers the possibility to discuss topics of the accreditation and to bring in own ideas and opinions into the decision process. This bachelor thesis describes an e-participation project at the University of Koblenz-Landau about the accreditation of the degree programs of the faculty of computer science. By using the reference framework of Scherer and Wimmer (2011) the project will be carried out. Furthermore the accreditation process will be modeled to get a better understanding of the whole process and to identify the possibilities for e-participation project integration. The results of this project are going to be covered by an online survey about the e-participation platform. Using the results of the survey and the experiences gained after the project recommendations are given for further e-participation projects. Moreover the reference framework of Scherer and Wimmer (2011) will be analyzed critically.
Parallelmanipulatoren, welche den Stewartmechanismus nutzen, ermöglichen die präzise Ausführung von Aufgaben in einem begrenzten Arbeitsraum. Durch die Nutzung von sechs Freiheitsgraden wird eine hohe Flexibilität der Positionierung erreicht. Die robuste Konstruktion sorgt zudem für ein sehr gutes Verhältnis von Gewicht zu Nutzlast.
Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung einer flexiblen Softwarelösung zur Ansteuerung einer Stewartplattform. Dies umfasst ein Modell der Plattform, welches zu Testzwecken dient. Es werden zunächst die mathematischen Grundlagen der Inversen Kinematik erarbeitet aufbauend auf einem zuvor definierten Bewegungsmodell. Es folgt die Entwicklung einer generischen Architektur zur Übermittlung und Auswertung von Steuerkommandos vom PC. Die Implementierung geschieht in C und wird in verschiedene Module aufgeteilt, welche jeweils einen Aufgabenbereich der Positionskontrolle oder der Hardwarekommunikation abdecken. Es wird zudem eine graphische Nutzeroberfläche vorgestellt, über die man die Position der Plattform manuell verändern kann. Eine automatische Ansteuerung wird im folgenden Anwendungsbeispiel beschrieben, wo die Plattform mit frequentiellen Beschleunigungswerten einer Achterbahnsimulation beliefert wird.
Die Messung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen ist trotz zunehmender Relevanz immer noch ein wenig durchdrungenes Forschungsfeld. Ursachen hierfür sind vor allem in den besonderen Merkmalen von Dienstleistungen - Immaterialität und Integrativität - zu suchen. Eine typische Dienstleistung der B2B Softwarebranche ist die Anpassung von Systemen an die Bedürfnisse des Kunden - das sogenannte Customizing. Die Ausschöpfung des Customizing-Potentials von Standardsoftware und -produkten und eine stärkere Einbeziehung des Kunden in Innovationsprozesse werden jedoch dadurch erschwert, dass die Produktivität dieser Dienstleistung nur unzureichend mess- und somit bewertbar zu sein scheint.
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Messung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen auf der Basis unterschiedlicher Vorstudien im Rahmen des CustomB2B Projektes an der Universität Koblenz-Landau.
Virtual Goods + ODRL 2012
This is the 10th international workshop for technical, economic, and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods incorporating the 8th ODRL community group meeting. This year we did not call for completed research results, but we invited PhD students to present and discuss their ongoing research work. In the traditional international group of virtual goods and ODRL researchers we discussed PhD research from Belgium, Brazil, and Germany. The topics focused on research questions about rights management in the Internet and e-business stimulation. In the center of rights management stands the conception of a formal policy expression that can be used for human readable policy transparency, as well as for machine readable support of policy conformant systems behavior up to automatic policy enforcement. ODRL has proven to be an ideal basis for policy expressions, not only for digital copy rights, but also for the more general "Policy Awareness in the World of Virtual Goods". In this sense, policies support the communication of virtual goods, and they are a virtualization of rules-governed behavior themselves.