Fachbereich 4
Document Type
- Part of Periodical (25)
- Study Thesis (1)
- computer clusters (3)
- Customer Relationship Management (2)
- Datensicherheit (2)
- Fallstudie (2)
- IBM Lotus Quickr (2)
- Informatik (2)
- artificial neural networks (2)
- classification (2)
- parallel algorithms (2)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (26) (remove)
The aim of this paper is to identify and understand the risks and issues companies are experiencing from the business use of social media and to develop a framework for describing and categorising those social media risks. The goal is to contribute to the evolving theorisation of social media risk and to provide a foundation for the further development of social media risk management strategies and processes. The study findings identify thirty risk types organised into five categories (technical, human, content, compliance and reputational). A risk-chain is used to illustrate the complex interrelated, multi-stakeholder nature of these risks and directions for future work are identified.
Iterative Signing of RDF(S) Graphs, Named Graphs, and OWL Graphs: Formalization and Application
When publishing graph data on the web such as vocabulariesrnusing RDF(S) or OWL, one has only limited means to verify the authenticity and integrity of the graph data. Today's approaches require a high signature overhead and do not allow for an iterative signing of graph data. This paper presents a formally defined framework for signing arbitrary graph data provided in RDF(S), Named Graphs, or OWL. Our framework supports signing graph data at different levels of granularity: minimum self-contained graphs (MSG), sets of MSGs, and entire graphs. It supports for an iterative signing of graph data, e. g., when different parties provide different parts of a common graph, and allows for signing multiple graphs. Both can be done with a constant, low overhead for the signature graph, even when iteratively signing graph data.
Virtual Goods + ODRL 2012
This is the 10th international workshop for technical, economic, and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods incorporating the 8th ODRL community group meeting. This year we did not call for completed research results, but we invited PhD students to present and discuss their ongoing research work. In the traditional international group of virtual goods and ODRL researchers we discussed PhD research from Belgium, Brazil, and Germany. The topics focused on research questions about rights management in the Internet and e-business stimulation. In the center of rights management stands the conception of a formal policy expression that can be used for human readable policy transparency, as well as for machine readable support of policy conformant systems behavior up to automatic policy enforcement. ODRL has proven to be an ideal basis for policy expressions, not only for digital copy rights, but also for the more general "Policy Awareness in the World of Virtual Goods". In this sense, policies support the communication of virtual goods, and they are a virtualization of rules-governed behavior themselves.
Integration von CRM-Systemen mit Kollaborations-Systemen am Beispiel von DocHouse und Lotus Quickr
Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht "Integration von CRM-Systemen mit Kollaborations-Systemen am Beispiel von DocHouse/ BRM und IBM Lotus Quickr" ist Ergebnis einer studentischen Projektarbeit. Ziel des Projekts war es Integrationsszenarien zwischen einem CRM-System und einem Kollaborati-onssystem zu erarbeiten und eine prototypische Schnittstelle mit entsprechender Funktion zwischen den Systemen DocHouse/ BRM und IBM Lotus Quickr zu implementieren.
Ein besonderer Dank geht in diesem Zusammenhang an Herr Wolfgang Brugger (Geschäftsführer der DocHouse GmbH), der die Idee einer solchen Entwicklung hatte und die FG BAS mit deren Durchführung betraute. Die Erstellung des Konzepts und des Prototyps wurde vom Winter 2010 bis Sommer 2011 von den Studenten Björn Lilge, Ludwig Paulsen, Marco Wolf, Markus Aldenhövel, Martin Surrey und Mike Reuthers im Rahmen ihres Projektpraktikums durchgeführt. Das Projektteam wurde bei der Konzeption und Implementierung inhaltlich und organisatorisch von Dipl.-Wirt.-Inform. Roland Diehl betreut.
Die vorliegende Fallstudie entstand als Untersuchungsobjekt zu einer Bachelorarbeit und wurde nach der eXperience Fallstudienmethodik erstellt. Ziel der Bachelorarbeit war die Identifizierung von Nutzenaspekten in diesem konkreten Fall. Im Anwenderunternehmen DOCHOUSE wurde hier eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem internen CRM-System und einem kollaborativen System für den externen Zugriff eingeführt.
Ein besonderer Dank geht in diesem Zusammenhang an Herr Wolfgang Brugger (Geschäftsführer DOCHOUSE GmbH), der die Erstellung der Fallstudie motiviert hat und die FG BAS mit deren Durchführung betraute. Die Fallstudie wurde im Winter 2011 von dem Studenten Martin Surrey und Roland Diehl, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Forschungsgruppe, erhoben.
Cloud Computing is a topic that has gained momentum in the last years. Current studies show that an increasing number of companies is evaluating the promised advantages and considering making use of cloud services. In this paper we investigate the phenomenon of cloud computing and its importance for the operation of ERP systems. We argue that the phenomenon of cloud computing could lead to a decisive change in the way business software is deployed in companies. Our reference framework contains three levels (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and clarifies the meaning of public, private and hybrid clouds. The three levels of cloud computing and their impact on ERP systems operation are discussed. From the literature we identify areas for future research and propose a research agenda.
This paper describes results of the simulation of social objects, the dependence of schoolchildren's professional abilities on their personal characteristics. The simulation tool is the artificial neural network (ANN) technology. Results of a comparison of the time expense for training the ANN and for calculating the weight coefficients with serial and parallel algorithms, respectively, are presented.
An estimation of the number of multiplication and addition operations for training artififfcial neural networks by means of consecutive and parallel algorithms on a computer cluster is carried out. The evaluation of the efficiency of these algorithms is developed. The multilayer perceptron, the Volterra network and the cascade-correlation network are used as structures of artififfcial neural networks. Different methods of non-linear programming such as gradient and non-gradient methods are used for the calculation of the weight coefficients.
In diesem Arbeitsbericht werden zuvor nicht identifizierte Bedrohungen bezüglich des Wahlgeheimnisses des in [BKG11] vorgeschlagenen Konzeptes zur Authentifizierung von Wählern bei elektronischen Wahlen mittels des neuen Personalausweises aufgezeigt. Überdies wird mit der Einführung einer zwischengelagerten Anonymisierungsschicht eine Lösung vorgeschlagen, wie eben diese Bedrohungen abgewehrt werden können.